In recent years the technology in the field of information technology has grown by leaps and bounds, producing a greater demand from consumers looking to replace their old equipment for newer computers. But this is not always the case, since many times the user does not have adequate budget to afford to buy a new PC, so it is vital to conduct a comprehensive care to extend the life of their PC. Moreover, according to recent statements by members of the UN, to extend the life of our PC is also helping to prevent environmental pollution.
There are a number of measures that can be used to extend the life of our computer, thus allowing us to enjoy longer.
One of the first aspects to consider for the care of our machine lies in the software, since many times it is often responsible for bad performance. It is therefore advisable not to install unnecessary programs or more to perform the same tasks, and that higher the transaction loads, the greater the effort required by processor.
It is also advisable to check your requirement for the new versions of the programs with which you have planned to go, because the software updates generally comes with outer changes that require more powerful computers and latest technology, which will lead to wasting resources on your machine.
Through a simple assessment of what we really need, we will be installing only the software that we use and thus save space on your hard drive and allow us greater speed. To extend the life of our hard disk is recommended to avoid common formatting; defragmentation continues the same, because these activities will make our drive disc physical changes.
While many people use it correctly defragmenting the hard drive, making it once a month, the truth is that most make the mistake of performing these tasks on a daily basis, which means a constant abuse of mechanics and Electronic device.
Another aspect that we consider is to remove all those files that are obsolete, since our PC to work properly is important to maintain a regular cleaning of the equipment. Thus, it is advisable to remove deleted files that are checked daily for the recycle bin. Permanently delete files that no longer need to save more.
Periodically you should delete the cookies stored on our computer that usually occupy much space, like the temporary type files, that are present in temp folder of your operating system. Currently, there is a variety of software specially designed to perform these tasks automatically, without the user having to do this manually cleaning. Examples of these tools that are popularly used are Ccleaner and PC Power Washer.
Over time, our computer has been gathering information of installed programs and activities we have done. Once we uninstalled an application for any reason, it is likely that the same information is still there, by slowing the record access. In this case, it is also useful to perform a clean PC registry. For this there is a fantastic tool called RegCleaner.