How To Know The Causes of Hemorrhoids?
It is unfortunate to suffer from hemorrhoids whether you are afflicted for only a short time or have a more difficult battle with the condition. There are various potential factors that can cause you to suffer from hemorrhoids.
It seems that some people are just more prone to having hemorrhoids without any real cause. There are some families that even appear to have more of a genetic factor behind the frequency of hemorrhoids. In cases such as this, it can be difficult to try to avoid having bouts with hemorrhoids.
One of the potential side effects of being pregnant is the formation of hemorrhoids. Many women will suffer from at least a mild case of hemorrhoids while pregnant. As more blood flows through the veins in your body, you have a higher risk of developing the inflammation and swelling of the rectal and anal veins that cause hemorrhoids.
If you experience difficulty with bowel movements, it is possible for you to develop hemorrhoids. Strenuous bowel movements are one of the more common causes of hemorrhoids. This condition might be short-term if you are experience temporary constipation or other problems with your bowel movements. If you experience these problems frequently, you might also have frequent battles with hemorrhoids.
Being overweight can be a risk factor for hemorrhoids. The extra weight can be hard on the veins of your bottom region. If you already have hemorrhoids, being significantly overweight can also make it more difficult to get rid of the hemorrhoids. A recent case of diarrhea can result in the development of hemorrhoids.
The condition is likely to improve when your body gets over your case of diarrhea, If you have a condition resulting in diarrhea on a more frequent basis, you might notice that you have frequent cases of hemorrhoids. You should consult with your doctor to help you treat the underlying conditions that are resulting in more hemorrhoids.
If you are someone who sits on the toilet for a long time in order to have a bowel movement, you might also have hemorrhoids. Once again, you should talk to your physician for help to develop healthier bowel movements. You might find that you no longer have a problem with hemorrhoids if your bowel movements improve.
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