Mumps is one of the contagious diseases which are caused by a virus called the “mumps virus”. This virus enters the body through the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and conjunctiva. The virus appliqué on the mucous membrane of the nose or cheek leads to the development of the disease. After penetration of this virus into the body, the virus multiplies in the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and spreads through the blood to all organs. You can easily recognise this disease after knowing its symptoms which are discussed as follows.
A common classification of mumps is missing. This is due to different interpretation by experts manifestations of the disease. Some experts consider a typical manifestation of the disease only defeat of the salivary glands, and nerve damage and other glandular organs - as complications or atypical manifestations of the disease.
Path genetically substantiated position that not only the defeat of the salivary glands, but also at other sites caused by the mumps virus, should be seen as a manifestation, rather than complications of the disease. Especially since they cannot defeat manifesto vat isolated with salivary glands. At the same time, the lesions of various organs as isolated manifestations of mumps infections are rare (an atypical form of the disease). Asymptomatic infection is not treated as a disease. The classification should reflect the adverse and often long-term consequences of mumps. Criteria for severity in this table are quite different for different forms of this disease and have no serological specificity.
Diagnosis of mumps is primarily based on clinical and epidemiological history characteristics, and in typical cases, the difficulty is there to diagnose it. Of the laboratory methods most conclusively confirm the diagnosis of mumps virus isolation from blood, parotid gland secretions, urine, cerebrospinal fluid and pharyngeal swabs, but in practice it is not often used. In recent years, the other diagnosis methods for mumps has been increased and one of them is serological methods for diagnosis of mumps, the most commonly used ELISA, HAI, and RSK.