How To Start A Web Hosting Business?
These days many sites exist and are becoming popular. Most of the sites that everyone visits on the World Wide Web are the social networking sites. Those sites gain more visitors cause of their popularity in the World Wide Web, easy to access, and many features. But those sites did not exist just only with HTML codes and a web designer. The secret how they exist in the World Wide Web is the web hosting company. It is not easy to build a web hosting business if you just want to. It requires of lot of hard work, patience, perseverance, knowledge of computer and technical expertise to be successfully run as a profitable web hosting business. If you possess all those requirements stated, you can start web hosting business with yourself alone and it will keep your operational expenses low. But this may demand too much time to work, at least fourteen hours and above per day. It is also required a certain kind of passion to become dedicated that much time to work on it.
Web hosting market is a very competitive and saturated with too many players. There are so many web hosting companies offering cheap packages and it is very hard to establish when your web hosting company is only at the starting point.
Starting of website hosting is a step by step procedure. It is not just like a stall in a market that when you establish is the finale of your starting point. Here are the things needed to do when you are starting a web hosting business:
Need an initial investment that will be cost of the server, cost of added control panel, cost of advertisement and sales promotion activities, cost of support services and cost of labor of your staff or labor of your new member of your web hosting company.
How can you find a customer? There are many ways to get customers. Just look around the Internet, it was the best way to get customer. Most of the web hosting company advertises their service using the web also. The following are the choices where you can advertise your business.
- Adwords for example is Google.
- Adverts like, where you can discuss your business operation.
- Local advertising which has a site to be established or has a site that has been already establish.
- Word of mouth, a slow but effective method of building customer and cheapest way of advertising business.
Control panel is the easiest way to set up clients with their web hosting accounts. This will make your administration task easier for you. There are many kinds of control panel which can be right and appropriate for you.
- cPanel, the most major trend in hosting but easily to break.
- DirectAdmin, very simplistic control panel in terms of navigating and fairly powerful.
- H-Sphere, a dual platform
- Plesk, it does not recommend to use because it doesn’t have a Power pack which is like the Installatron.
Price wars are the main reason of getting the industry a semi-bad name. Most of the older webs hosting company are over-pricing. Just make sure that you are fair to your customer. Make a reasonable price for you to gain customers, on that way you will earn more profit than over pricing your service with few customer. Customers will always search for the cheapest but productive service and this is where you can establish having reasonable price and productive service.
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